Want a successful product design, follow your North Star
Many factors play a part in the success or failure of digital systems. Design is certainly one of the most important ones, and it is by no means simple.
The most important success factor: Prioritise, Prioritise, Prioritise
SMEs and scale-ups can easily get lost in the design process and lose sight of the right priorities. That is why it’s vital that you have a clear understanding of the most important steps when you are designing your product.
What are you aiming for?
Designing a system without clear objectives in mind is like shooting with a blindfold and hoping to hit the bullseye. Regardless of the nature of the system you are designing, you must be completely aware of what you are aiming for and have the tools to objectively measure how successful you are at achieving your goals. One way to do this is by setting a ‘North Star’ metric.
What makes a good North Star?
In order to qualify as a North Star, a metric must meet three conditions: lead to revenue, reflect the value yielded to customers, and gauge progress. Coming up with the right North Star for your business will help you design features to move the metric in the right direction. It will also guide your steps and allow you to prioritise.
What to know more about how to find yours?
If you want to learn more about North Stars and how you can find your own, then join us in The Innovation Room